
How to Kill Time in the Rainy Days?

No matter where you live, there is a period of time full of rain. Everything is not convenient in the rainy days, especially going out. Thus, if it is possible, many people will choose stay at home when it is raining outside. But how to kill this boring time is a question for many people, because most of them just sleep all day and night. Don’t you think that sleeping is boring and waste of time? Let me tell you some good ways to kill time in rainy days.


In the first place, reading is absolutely a good choice to kill time indoor. I think I don’t need to emphasize the importance of reading as everybody knows. Look back our daily life, how many people have time to read now and then? Why don’t we just catch this chance to kill time and enhance ourselves? Secondly, playing games with families or friends is beneficial. Most people would stay at home in the rainy days. At this time they can play games, such as, play cards and Truth Or Dare. Those games are interesting and helpful for their relationship with each other. Last but not least, it is a good chance for talking. In the usual time, maybe it is hard to find a chance to have a nice talk with your family, because everyone is so busy. Rainy day provides a chance for you. You can sit down and have a nice talk to learn each other better. You will feel time flies when you doing these. 首先,看書絕對是在家消磨時間的好方法。我覺得讀書的好處就不用我再強調(diào)了吧;仡櫼幌挛覀兊娜粘I,有多少人是偶爾有時間看看書的?為什么我們就不能抓住這個機會,既消磨時間又提升自我。第二,跟家人或朋友玩游戲是很有益的。大部分人雨天都是呆在家里的。這個時候他們可以一起玩游戲,比如,打牌,真心話大冒險。這鞋游戲都是很有趣也有助于增進彼此的關(guān)系。最后但并非最不重要的,這也是談心的好機會。平時,也許很難找到機會跟你的家人好好聊聊,因為大家都很忙。雨天就提供了這么一個機會。大家可以坐下來好好的談談心更加的了解彼此。在做這些事情的時候你肯定會覺得時間飛逝。

In a word, you will not dislike rainy days if you know how to kill it. The three ways mentioned above is helpful. 總之,如果你懂得如何在雨天消磨時間的話你肯定不會討厭雨天的。上面提到的三個方式真的很有用。
    作者:大學生新聞網(wǎng) 來源:大學生新聞網(wǎng)
    發(fā)布時間:2023-11-28 瀏覽:
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