

Distinguished teachers, dear classmates:

Everybody is good!

My name is XX. When he was young had done many colorful dream, when an announcer, or when a TV show host is my best dream. So I take every opportunity to learn broadcasting, practice the speech, said crosstalk, playing allegro, dance performance, hosting programs. I join dad regiment of the Spring Festival evening party, I show KuaiBanShu tongue twisters warmly welcomed by the soldiers. I deeply know, as a qualified announcer or a TV show host is a very not easy thing, the growth of the road will have the joy of success, but is more of a failure of depression; There will be a harvest happiness, but more is the hard cultivation. But I have the courage, determination to face all this. So, today, I stand in the middle of the students. I like all of the classmates, eager to fly, eager to have a bigger development space in the future, have the talent more broad heaven and earth. I think, there will be nothing. The next four years, emotional teaching by teachers and we will have a beautiful future.
Good good painting landscape poem, XiangQu xiangyin nostalgia, a dragon, wrap dongting north. The convergence of liangjiang, composed of tripartite confrontation, thorough fares of nine provinces. My hometown is the capital, and the beautiful river city of wuhan, hubei province. Kiss is not enough to stand tall yellow crane tower, look not enough is qingchuan herbs parrot chau, singing is not enough long beach gallery shop is splendid, love is not enough for the east lake blue waves gently.

Home is not only beautiful and profound. Wave is the specific, uncovered the years history, the beautiful river city, gave birth to many national elite, revolutionary predecessors; Write how many psalms and immortal paean of handed down from ancient times. At her side, xinhai revolution finally beating the feudal monarchy of a crown; In her bosom, proletarian air spray of molten steel iron hammer bursts with strike fire. Mighty Yangtze river, was a witness of the most authoritative modern Chinese revolution. See not the vicissitudes of life there is superimposed and historical massiness, not over there that cut the river had carry much unyielding cry, how many undead ghost the land was flooded. Had gone with the wind disappointed thousands of solitary sail far shadow, where the ring once destroyed monarchy of guns. The people there have fallen out, new life, together with the whole country, The people there was full of lofty sentiments, reform tide swell in joy. Today, the earth is fruitful, there is the blue sky, blue sky - wuhan Wu Changcheng then my lovely home.

Teachers and classmates! My account, can make you itch to try? , can I make you excited? Welcome to my home a guest, welcom#e you to visit the beauty of the river.
Thank you!
「標簽: 英語自我介紹演講稿」
發布時間:2018-06-30 作者:大學生新聞網來源:大學生新聞網 瀏覽:
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  • 我信心十足的站在這里,是因為,我要競選體育——體育委員。我為什么想要競選體育委員呢?是因為,我相信,我能行!
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