

Ladies and gentlemen:


First of all I want to thank you very much host Sa Beining,thanks for inviting me to China column group,thank you for inviting me to participate in this program today,to share with you the story of my life.I want to share with you might not just about basketball,in fact,which can be applied to everyone's work and life.No matter what profession you choose,as long as you have a dream we must dedicate ourselves to chase,to find your dream to pursue it.

I grew up in Detroit,civilian family,my father,who was a few words,he is a businessman,my father told me a very important point,which I saw from him,my father taught me,every day To dream of every effort.That is,after he gets up every day to wear clothes,he would tell himself,whether you are sick or you feel tired,but he always best.

Many people think that one day I woke up to find themselves suddenly grow up to 2 m 05,I could have scored NBA is also very natural thing,but nobody recognizes become NBA players rely on the persistence and perseverance.In fact,I always rely on persistence and perseverance in the whole process only to make their dream of eventually entering the NBA.When I was 12 years old when my height is 1 m 8,was as thin as a pencil,does not want to be with a girl I was dating or kissing me because they think I looked funny.

One day I chat with small partners,and I told them that one day I will go to the NBA game,you guess what they react,they laughed at me,they laughed at my dream.They told me that Sean you too thin,and you run fast,jump high is not enough,you absolutely can not go to the NBA to play,you absolutely can not fulfill your dreams.As a 12-year-old boy I heard so I feel very sad because they do not recognize my dream.So at that time I think I saw most of my own thoughts.Every morning I got up and looked in the mirror,I asked myself:Sean,you are ready every day?Today you have to make every effort to get close to dream a little,too.

Brush your teeth in my sleep at night,I also looked in the mirror to ask myself,do not want to think yesterday,tomorrow,just think today I was not away from my dream,my goal from almost a little bit of it?Most of the time I can say yes.I have every day in practice continue to practice,I progress little by little,when I was fourteen years old,I would have been nearly two meters tall.After high school,I gradually began to succeed,then there is a basketball player named Chris Webber,he was the NBA's first draft,so I was a high school,when I was fourteen or so,five years old people around me told me that you can not always as good as Chris,because Chris is very strong,but also a great effort,but you run fast,jumping ability does not work,you will never be his.But I was a kid,have heard such things,then how do I do it?

I looked in the mirror said to myself,"You know,just your own ideas is the most important",so I'll continue to work hard.In my high school graduation,I want to prepare to go to college,and I've won three statewide winner,but I'm still the nation's high schools throughout the year inside a star team,I was the most high school students nationwide great basketball player.

I later decided to enter into an American academic and college basketball very well,and that is Duke University.You certainly can not think of when I apply for Duke,people say to me.They say:"Oh,Sean,you're a basketball playing well,but you're in college,you should not be so good,because you slower,jump is not high,and you are not strong enough,you basketball consciousness is not strong enough."These words are my twelve years old,fourteen,five years old when I heard.So how do I do that before,I was standing in the mirror,I asked myself,are you ready?

You go to those who question your proof that they are wrong,so I'll continue to struggle.After the end of my four years of college,I decided to join the NBA.I went to the NBA,people questioned again,they said Shawn your college is a good player,but you definitely can not be a good professional player,it is very surprising,very shocking it.And how I do it?I looked in the mirror told myself:Now is the time you continue to work hard.

So after twelve years,I stood in front of you,I've won two NBA championships,and I played in great teams there,and I make my dreams come true.I think my story,the most wonderful part is to tell you that is not what I woke up one night I went to the NBA arena,not the case.I have every small step along the way,until today's success,I was squeezed off,someone said I was not good enough,some people say I will never succeed,when my success in basketball,people always want to call me a basketball star,but for my own words in addition to basketball there are a lot of things.

I am very lucky that my parents are very emphasis on my education,but I have some friends and teachers,they will say:"Sean,you do not need to be a good student,as long as you play good basketball on the line."I say,"No,I do not like this,I want to be a good student because I like to learn,like reading,I like to learn new things."the entire four years of high school in my time,my grades only got a B,the other is A.

I remember when I was little also played football,was a great stadium,should be a similar tournament game,and still fresh.I was 12 years old,I was very nervous,I was afraid that they will make mistakes,but when I run with the ball always side kick,how far are running,you know my face is about sixty thousand spectators,I can not Faced with such a scene,I am sad to cry,but at least I tried,I tried,though I might fail,I fail in the harvest,may be greater than the gain from the success of the.

My coach is one of the best the United States,he called Krzyzewski,he once said:"You'd better be ready the next game of the match,as on the basketball court,there are a lot of things will happen,for example,In the course of your dribble,suddenly what was tripped shoes,everyone laughing at you,so many TV stations in the country live your site for all to see,then,how would you do it?you you sit there crying,would say I was too ashamed tripped,everyone laughing at me?No,certainly not like this.then how should you do it?

you just stand up and continue to the next race,the next a game is the most important."I certainly want to be the next game in the tournament,which is a very important mode of thinking.If we are able to form such a mode of thinking,make you a lifetime,you will always be able to continue to lay a game.Seize the next opportunity,and the realization of the next target.When we have to have passion and enthusiasm to face the challenges before,and if you have been so insistent,you will definitely succeed,I'm sure you will succeed.

I want to thank everyone arrived,we hope to be able to ask some very interesting questions,sharp gentle questions.Then I'm ready to answer your questions。

thank you very much,thank you!











「標簽: 英語故事演講稿」
發布時間:2018-06-19 作者:大學生新聞網來源:大學生新聞網 瀏覽:
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