
I think he is a serious child;and in the eyes of teachers and parents,I was a lively and studious girl;in the eyes of my classmates is varied:sometimes they are good partners;sometimes but it is vigorous and resolute captain,but in some cases,but it became enthusiastic good helper.

As a student,I strictly abide by the school system,in school,I study hard,know how law-abiding,loving the collective helpful.In class,I studious Shansi,to help students,the students are the best,most reliable and good partners.On learning studious Shansi,play an exemplary role.My grades are also considered among the best,but I'm still trying to climb the peak requirements of their own learning.When my students have difficulty learning,I always extends"hand relief"to help them unlock the"lock."Teacher explain me things that I will faithfully to complete,with the teacher set up a communication bridge.

And as a good boy I am at home,I always helped my mother do some housework,for example:sweeping,mopping,wiping the table??????father always praised me a good boy.

Although a man of honor is proof,can also double-edged sword,she will make people disoriented,but I did not get carried away by these rare honor,I used them as motivation.So,I have been awarded the title of good student,but I was never proud,jealous of others will not do this.

And I'm most proud of winning once,that is,XX years,Zhangjiakou City,held in a"Meilen Cup song"Latin Dance Competition duo won the first prize of a trophy and a bronze prize rumba group.My efforts were not in vain!Everyone in the audience of the general approbation,I told myself:not pride,it is just beginning,you want to continue to work hard!

"Make the greatest efforts to do their best"is the principle I believe in.As a student leader,I was strict with themselves,everything to set an example for the teacher to complete the task is always active and serious,not evading,no fool,to help teachers manage the class,the teacher is capable assistant.We have been able to wholeheartedly serve the students,with their warm and cheerful personality influence students around,as long as my place students laughed from ear to ear,one with laughter.My enthusiasm has won all of my full confidence,which makes me feel happy

I think,the main reason is to learn good to be diligent.Famous celebrities that good:"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.""The book mountain road to"just on the first grade,my grades are not particularly good,but I never give up,because no one is born a genius.I always ask to others,until you understand so far.

I also think that accumulated for learning is also a hard-working.Learning to be diligent,hard work here not just the pursuit of progress,love of learning,but also refers to the accumulation.Learning,accumulation and extracurricular curricular things as important,is necessary and indispensable.Not anyone in the world can make a shortcut to improve your score immediately,soar.When reading good words can be accumulated,in the nature of knowledge can be accumulated.There are many benefits of accumulation,for example,I fully understood.Each exam essay,others do not know how to write the positive,but my brain emerges out of the usual accumulation of many things,so I suddenly had inspiration.

Others are happy to play when I preview the text.When others to sleep,I'm still finishing school in one day.In order to make my grades improved,I paid a lot of effort.Of course,my efforts have results!I finally had a breakthrough performance.But I still can not have the slightest relaxation is still diligent,a home to review,preview,it became my good habit of learning

I especially like to read,the book is my spiritual food.I have a big bookcase,saved a lot of different books,I like to watch children's literature and science Quest book.When I read,almost forgot the time,as long as there is time,I will not miss one second.Therefore,also making for many jokes.Reading can give me strength.

Now I'm trying to learn to achieve future aspirations.I made myself seven homework requirements,such as the first review,error correction,and then homework,then you want to preview the new lesson content.Of each exam will not set a schedule,found reasons not reach the target,sum up experience,so learn to become growth engine.My understanding of knowledge and comprehension strong,I always have a loud clear voice to answer questions in class,I always take the initiative to become self-confident students model.

Results represent the past,my way of life has just begun,the bees collect nectar only hard to brew sweet honey,eagle Bo hit only the brave wind and rain,in order to make their wings more powerful.Ebb Tide,side was gold color,after the snow,even more stalwart pine.I will work harder in the future,winning glory for the class,and add luster to your life,to live up to the expectations of teachers and parents and love.















「標簽: 英語自我介紹演講稿」
發(fā)布時間:2018-06-13 作者:大學生新聞網(wǎng)來源:大學生新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽:
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