人總會有自己的夢想,想要獲得成功實現(xiàn)夢想就要為之奮斗,夢想是一盞明燈,指引著人們前行。在有了夢想之后,人們也就有了動力,有了夢想也就無所畏懼,不論跌倒多少次都要勇敢的站起來。下面為大家推薦小學課堂我有一個夢想英語演講稿,希望可以給大家?guī)韱⑹尽?br />
  Dear teachers, dear students:

  Hello everyone, today my topic is "I have a dream"!

  For a common dream we gather together, we uphold the literary blood, we have to bear the ideal backpack. We have to pursue a better future, our pursuit of wisdom, we eulogize freedom to express our passion in the hearts of our writing rush our blood to the language of poetry. Read one hundred books, live one hundred lives. For life, there is nothing like the power of books. The book is a lonely friend, who was abandoned partner, who is unhappy joy, despair is the hope, frustration is the happiness, is a helpless person help, is the dream of the dawn.

  Today, I have a dream. I hope that students pick up the pen in the hands of colorful, painted a beautiful blueprint for take-off from here, you dream of flying, such as Kua Fu pursue our dreams. Life can not dream, we are proud of the times, the future of the motherland, I hope that we can continue to progress beyond the self, mind the world. I hope every student can roam in the ocean of knowledge, in the spirit of the free world fighting. Brilliant ideas Qianxian sages bath, to inculcate the master Ren ren. The magnificent temple of literature, we have with a red hot heart with the love of literature, we have come, we are fearless, because of the outstanding passion. As long as we go, as long as we love reading and writing as long as we love, our spirit is free, and we are open to the idea; writing as long as we work hard, as long as we are pursuing, as long as we have a firm belief that as long as we have the courage to explore the spirit, as long as we dare, I suppose we dream it will become a reality, we will be seeking the return.

  I think! I do! I succeed! Today, I have a dream, I dream of the future of the classroom is the spirit of freedom home, teachers, students freely in the ocean of knowledge. My dream will not be in the future to determine everything, our students will be happy and free to learn. I dream of students between the elimination of contradictions, dear to each other as brothers, full of the spirit of fraternity. I dream of our school is a temple of knowledge, the book of the sea, the cradle of talent. This is my dream. Yet all this we need to wavewave, we can not wait for God's favor, we must strive to improve themselves, transformation of human society.

  The Eastern Jin Dynasty poet Tao Qian has said: no longer prime, when encouraged in a timely manner. Let us work together to portray a brilliant future, to write the Haozhuang vowed never to create a work of virgin land. Let us go hand in hand, flying dream, for the dream and struggle!

  My speech is over, thank you!








「標簽: 我有一個夢想演講稿」
發(fā)布時間:2018-06-10 作者:大學生新聞網(wǎng)來源:大學生新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽:
  • 小學生競選紀律委員發(fā)言稿
  • 小學生競選紀律委員發(fā)言稿
  • 在學習、工作生活中,發(fā)言稿的使用頻率越來越高,發(fā)言稿在寫作上具有一定的格式要求。怎樣寫發(fā)言稿才能更好地發(fā)揮其做用呢?
  • 05-20 關注:21
  • 慶“六一”班會發(fā)言稿
  • 在快速變化和不斷變革的新時代,我們可以使用發(fā)言稿的機會越來越多,發(fā)言稿可以起到整理演講者的思路、提示演講的內容、限定演講的速度
  • 05-20 關注:11
  • 新學期德育主任發(fā)言稿
  • 新學期德育主任發(fā)言稿
  • 在我們平凡的日常里,發(fā)言稿在我們的視野里出現(xiàn)的頻率越來越高,發(fā)言稿是在一定的場合,面對一定的聽眾,發(fā)言人圍繞著主題講話的文稿。
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  • 小學四年級家長會班主任發(fā)言稿
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  • 在現(xiàn)在社會,我們都可能會用到發(fā)言稿,發(fā)言稿可以提高發(fā)言人的自信心,有助發(fā)言人更好地展現(xiàn)自己。那要怎么寫好發(fā)言稿呢?
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  • 在不斷進步的社會中,我們總不得不需要用到發(fā)言稿,發(fā)言稿要求內容充實,條理清楚,重點突出。
  • 05-20 關注:16
  • 高一新生代表發(fā)言稿
  • 高一新生代表發(fā)言稿
  • 大家好,我是學生代表XX。今天是新學年的第一天,也是我們師生的第一次聚會,對于同學們來說,這里的一切都是新的——新的學校
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  • 競選體育委員發(fā)言稿
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  • 我信心十足的站在這里,是因為,我要競選體育——體育委員。我為什么想要競選體育委員呢?是因為,我相信,我能行!
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  • 開心伴著汗水,成功伴著艱辛,惋惜鼓勵搏斗,我們不知不覺地走進了20xxx年。今晚我們歡聚正在x公司建立后的第x個年頭里,我和大眾的心
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