
Every living thing in the world has its own emotions, which affect everyone. But should we allow our emotions to be free? The answer, of course, is negative. We need to take care of their own body as well as the body's emotions, care for it care of it, rather than letting it no matter, the following small series for you to bring a ted speech on emotional emergency.

我和我的雙胞胎哥哥一起長(zhǎng)大, 他是個(gè)富有愛(ài)心的好兄弟。 要知道,作為雙胞胎,你很快 就在一件事上成為專家, 就是注意到偏愛(ài)。 如果他的餅干比我的大 哪怕一點(diǎn)點(diǎn),我就會(huì)質(zhì)疑。 當(dāng)然我也沒(méi)被餓著。 (笑聲)

I grew up with my twin brother. He is a good and loving brother. To know, as twins, you soon become an expert in one thing, is to pay attention to the preference. If his cookie is a little bigger than mine, I'll question it. Of course, I'm not hungry. (laughter)

當(dāng)我成為一個(gè)心理學(xué)家,我開始 注意到另一種不同的偏愛(ài), 那就是我們賦予我們的身體 比精神更多的價(jià)值。 我花了九年時(shí)間 獲得心理學(xué)博士學(xué)位, 但不知道有多少人看了我的名片說(shuō), “哦,心理學(xué)家, 原來(lái)不是真正的醫(yī)生。” 就好像我的名片上就該明確說(shuō)明似的。 (笑聲) 這種對(duì)身體多于精神的偏愛(ài)隨處可見。
我最近在朋友家, 他們五歲的小孩準(zhǔn)備上床睡覺(jué)。 他站在小凳子上, 在水池邊刷牙, 然后他滑了一下, 摔倒的時(shí)候刮了他的腿。 他哭了一下, 隨后就爬起來(lái)了, 站回小凳子上,拿了一個(gè)創(chuàng)可貼 貼在他的傷口上。 這孩子剛學(xué)會(huì)系鞋帶兒, 但他都知道要保護(hù)傷口以免感染, 同時(shí)還要一天刷兩次牙來(lái)保護(hù)牙齒。 我們都知道怎樣保持身體的健康 還有怎樣保持牙齒衛(wèi)生,對(duì)不對(duì)? 我們從五歲起就知道這些東西了。 但是我們知道怎樣 保持精神上的健康嗎? 完全不知道。 我們教給孩子們情緒保健嗎? 完全沒(méi)有。 為什么我們花在牙齒的時(shí)間 比花在精神的時(shí)間上還多呢? 為什么我們那么重視身體健康 遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)多于心理健康呢?

When I became a psychologist, I began to notice a different kind of preference, that is, we give our body more value than the spirit. It took me nine years to get a Ph. D. in psychology, but I don't know how many people looked at my business card. "Oh, psychologist, it's not a real doctor." It's like I'm on my business card. (laughter) this kind of physical and mental preference can be seen everywhere.

I recently at a friend's house, their five year old child ready to go to bed. He stood on a small stool, brushing his teeth at the side of the pool, and then he slipped and fell down and scraped his leg. He cried out, and then climb up, stand back to the stool, took a put a bandage over his wound. The child has just learned to tie his shoes, but he knows to protect the wound to avoid infection, but also a day to brush two teeth to protect the teeth. We all know how to keep the body healthy and how to keep it healthy, right? We know these things from the age of five. But do we know how to keep mentally healthy? Completely don't know. Do we teach our children emotional health? Totally not. Why do we spend more time in our teeth than in the spirit of the time? Why do we pay so much attention to physical health than mental health?

我們承受心理上的傷害 比身體上的多得多, 例如失敗,被拒絕,孤獨(dú)。 如果我們忽視它們, 情況也會(huì)惡化, 它們同樣會(huì)給我們的生活 帶來(lái)重大的影響。 然而,雖然有科學(xué)證實(shí)的療法 來(lái)幫助我們治療 這些心理上的傷害, 我們卻不采取行動(dòng)。 我們甚至都沒(méi)意識(shí)到 我們應(yīng)該采取行動(dòng)。 “哦,你感到抑郁么? 別去想了,都在你腦袋里。” 你能想象對(duì)一個(gè) 骨折了的人說(shuō)這樣的話嗎? “哦,走走就好了,都在你腿上。” (笑聲) 我們應(yīng)該消除這種對(duì)身體和 精神健康的區(qū)別對(duì)待。 應(yīng)該把兩者對(duì)等起來(lái), 像雙胞胎一樣。
說(shuō)起雙胞胎, 我哥哥也是個(gè)心理醫(yī)生。 所以他也不是真正的醫(yī)生。 (笑聲) 我們不是在一起上的學(xué)。 事實(shí)上,我這輩子 經(jīng)歷過(guò)的最困難的事 就是跨過(guò)大西洋搬到紐約 來(lái)讀心理學(xué)的博士學(xué)位。 那是我們倆第一次分隔兩地, 這個(gè)分離對(duì)我倆來(lái)說(shuō)都很殘酷。 當(dāng)他和家人朋友一起時(shí), 我卻孤單的在一個(gè)新的國(guó)度。 我們都非常想念對(duì)方, 但那時(shí)候國(guó)際長(zhǎng)途都很貴 我們一周只打的起五分鐘的電話。 當(dāng)我們生日快到了的時(shí)候, 那是我們第一個(gè) 沒(méi)在一起過(guò)的生日。 我們決定奢侈一把, 在那個(gè)星期聊上十分鐘。 我那天早上在房間里踱來(lái)踱去, 等著我哥哥給我打過(guò)來(lái) - 我等啊等啊,電話就是不響。 由于時(shí)差的關(guān)系,我就想, “好吧,他一定是和朋友在一起, 他晚點(diǎn)兒會(huì)打來(lái)的。” 那時(shí)候也沒(méi)有手機(jī)。 但他始終沒(méi)打來(lái)。 我開始意識(shí)到, 在我離開十個(gè)月以后, 他不再像我想他那樣想我了。 我知道他早上會(huì)打來(lái), 但那一晚是我一生中 最傷心,最漫長(zhǎng)的一晚。 第二天一早醒來(lái), 我瞅了一眼電話,我意識(shí)到, 來(lái)回踱步時(shí) 我把電話線踹下來(lái)了 我迷迷糊糊的跳下床, 我剛把電話插回接口, 一秒鐘之后電話就響了。 是我哥哥,他可氣壞了。 (笑聲) 那也是他一生中 最傷心漫長(zhǎng)的一夜。 當(dāng)我跟他解釋事情的經(jīng)過(guò),他說(shuō), “我不明白。你看我沒(méi)給你打, 你為什么不打給我呢?” 他說(shuō)的對(duì)。 我為什么不打給他呢? 我當(dāng)時(shí)無(wú)法解釋, 但我現(xiàn)在明白了, 非常簡(jiǎn)單的原因:孤獨(dú)。We suffer more psychological harm than physical, such as failure, rejection, loneliness. If we ignore them, the situation will deteriorate, and they will also have a significant impact on our lives. However, while there are scientifically proven therapies to help us to treat these psychological injuries, we are not taking action. We don't even realize that we should take action. "Oh, do you feel depressed? Don't think, all in your head." Can you think of someone who has broken a bone? "Oh, it's all right, it's all on your lap."." (laughter) we should eliminate the distinction between physical and mental health. It should be equal, like twins.Speaking of twins, my brother is a psychological doctor. So he's not a real doctor. (laughter) we're not learning to go together. In fact, the most difficult thing I've ever had in my life is to cross the Atlantic and move to New York to read a Ph. D. in psychology. It was the first time that we had separated from the two, and the separation was cruel to both of us. When he was with his family and friends, I was alone in a new country. We all miss each other very much, but at that time the international long distance is very expensive we only play five minutes of the phone. When our birthday is coming, it is the first time that we have never been together. We decided to have a luxury, ten minutes a week. That morning I walked up and down the room, wait for my brother to call me and I waited, the phone is ringing. Because of the time difference, I thought, "well, he must be with his friends, he will be late." There was no cell phone at that time. But he never called. I began to realize that after I had been away for ten months, he wasn't thinking about me like I wanted him to. I knew he would call in the morning, but that night was the most sad and the longest night of my life. The second day early in the morning to wake up, I glanced at the phone, I realized that when I put the phone back and forth kick down the line I jump out of bed in a daze, I just put the phone back into the interface, and a second later the phone rang. Is my brother, he can be broken. (laughter) that's the most sad, long night of his life. When I explained to him, he said, "I don't understand. You see I didn't give you a fight, why don't you call me?" He's right. Why don't I call him? I couldn't explain it at the time, but I understand now, very simple reason: loneliness.

孤獨(dú)導(dǎo)致深重的心理創(chuàng)傷, 扭曲我們的感知能力, 剝奪我們的思考能力。 它使我們相信 身邊的人不再在乎我們。 它使我們不敢與人聯(lián)絡(luò), 為什么給自取其辱被拒絕呢? 你的心痛的還不夠多么? 我那個(gè)時(shí)候被孤獨(dú)緊緊包裹著, 但我總和別人在一起, 我自己都沒(méi)意識(shí)到。 但孤獨(dú)是完全從主觀上定義的。 它完全取決于你是否覺(jué)得 在情緒上或是交際上 和你周圍的人相隔絕。 我當(dāng)時(shí)是這樣的。 我們有很多關(guān)于孤獨(dú)的研究, 都很可怕。 孤獨(dú)不僅讓你覺(jué)得凄慘, 它還可能致死。 我可不是開玩笑。 長(zhǎng)期的孤獨(dú) 會(huì)增加你早逝的可能性 高達(dá)14%之多。 孤獨(dú)可能導(dǎo)致 高血壓,高膽固醇。 它甚至?xí)绊懩愕拿庖呦到y(tǒng), 使你容易患上各種疾病。 事實(shí)上,科學(xué)家已經(jīng)得出結(jié)論, 長(zhǎng)期的孤獨(dú)對(duì)你的健康和長(zhǎng)壽 的負(fù)面影響比抽煙還要糟。 香煙的包裝上還有 “吸煙致命”的警句。 可孤獨(dú)沒(méi)有。 這就是我們?yōu)槭裁?要重視心理健康, 要注意保持情緒健康。 因?yàn),你無(wú)法治愈心理上的創(chuàng)傷, 如果你都不知道 自己受到了傷害的話。 孤獨(dú)不是唯一 可能扭曲及誤導(dǎo) 我們的心理創(chuàng)傷。

Loneliness leads to profound psychological trauma, distortion of our perception, depriving us of our ability to think. It makes us believe that the people around us no longer care about us. It makes us afraid to contact with people, why to deserve to be rejected? Your heartache is not enough yet? I was wrapped up in a lonely time, but I was all alone. I didn't realize it. But loneliness is entirely subjective. It all depends on whether you feel emotionally or socially separated from the people around you. I was like this. We have a lot of research about loneliness, it's terrible. Loneliness is not only let you feel sad, it may be fatal. I'm not kidding. The long lonely will increase your chances of death up to as much as 14%. Loneliness can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol. It may even affect your immune system, making it easier for you to develop a variety of diseases. In fact, scientists have come to the conclusion that long-term loneliness is worse for your health and longevity than for smoking. Pack of cigarettes and smoking "deadly". Can be lonely without. This is why we should pay attention to mental health, we should pay attention to maintain emotional health. Because, you can not cure the trauma of the psychological, if you do not know if you have been hurt. Loneliness is not the only thing that can distort and mislead us.

失敗也有同樣效果。 我曾訪問(wèn)過(guò)一個(gè)幼兒園, 在那兒我觀察了三個(gè)兒童, 在玩完全一樣的塑料玩具。 你得把一個(gè)紅色的鈕滑開, 然后一個(gè)可愛(ài)的小狗就會(huì)跳出來(lái)。 一個(gè)小女孩 對(duì)紫色的鈕又拉又按, 然后她就坐下來(lái),瞧著那盒子, 下嘴唇開始發(fā)顫。 她旁邊的一個(gè)小男孩 看到這一幕, 再看著他的盒子, 都沒(méi)動(dòng)手就哇哇大哭了。 與此同時(shí), 另一個(gè)小女孩試了各種方法 直到她滑動(dòng)了那個(gè)紅鈕, 可愛(ài)的小狗跳了出來(lái), 她開心的叫了起來(lái)。 同樣的塑料玩具 給了這三個(gè)幼兒, 但他們對(duì)失敗的反應(yīng)截然不同。 前兩個(gè)小孩完全 有能力滑動(dòng)那個(gè)紅鈕。 唯一阻止他們成功的因素 就是他們被自己 做不成的想法給騙了。 成年人也經(jīng)常中這樣的圈套。 事實(shí)上,我們都有 一個(gè)固定的思維感知模式, 每當(dāng)我們感到沮喪,受到挫折, 我們便會(huì)進(jìn)入這個(gè)模式。
你清不清楚你是怎么對(duì)應(yīng)失敗的? 你應(yīng)該清楚。 因?yàn)槿绻愕念^腦告訴你 你不能做成什么事 而你相信了的話, 你就會(huì)像那前兩個(gè)小孩似的, 開始感到無(wú)助 然后你很快就放棄了, 甚至都不去試一下。 然后你就更加確信你成功不了。 你看,這就是為什么那么多人 都無(wú)法充分發(fā)揮他們的潛能。 因?yàn)椴灰欢ㄔ谑裁吹胤剑?有那么一次失敗 讓他們認(rèn)定了自己不能成功。

Failure also has the same effect. I visited a kindergarten where I observed three children playing with the same plastic toys. You have to slide off a red button, and a lovely dog will jump out. A little girl on the purple button and pull in, and she sat down, looked at the box and the lower lip began to tremble. A little boy next to her to see this scene, then looked at his box, haven't started crying. At the same time, the other little girl tried all kinds of methods until she slid the red button, the lovely dog jumped out, she cried happily. The same plastic toys to the three children, but they are very different responses to failure. The first two children have the ability to slide the red button. The only thing that prevents them from being successful is that they have been fooled by the idea that they can't do it themselves. Adults are often in such a trap. In fact, we all have a fixed pattern of thinking, and when we feel depressed and frustrated, we are going to get into this mode.

You don't know how you did it. You should be clear. Because if your mind tells you that you can't do what you believe it, you will like the first two child, began to feel helpless and you will soon give up, don't even try. Then you'll be more certain that you won't succeed. You see, this is why so many people are unable to make full use of their potential. Because there is not necessarily in what place, there is a failure to make them that they can not be successful.

我們一旦被某件事說(shuō)服, 往往就很難改變主意。 我十幾歲的時(shí)候,和我哥哥一起, 吃了點(diǎn)苦頭才明白這道理。 有一天晚上,我倆和朋友們 在一條很黑的路上開著車。 一輛警車把我們攔下了。 附近發(fā)生了搶劫, 警察在追蹤嫌犯。 警察走到車邊, 對(duì)司機(jī)晃了晃手電筒, 又照了照坐在副駕駛的我哥哥, 然后照到了我。 他瞪大了眼睛說(shuō)得, “我在哪兒見過(guò)你?” (笑聲) 我說(shuō),“副駕駛座上。” (笑聲) 但對(duì)他來(lái)說(shuō), 我的回答莫名其妙。 所以他認(rèn)為我嗑了藥。 (笑聲) 于是他把我拖出車子, 又搜了我的身, 他把我押到警車那兒, 直到他驗(yàn)證了 我并沒(méi)有犯罪記錄, 我才有機(jī)會(huì)解釋 我和副駕駛座位上的是雙胞胎。 但是直到我們開走了, 你仍可以看到他的表情 他認(rèn)定我一定干了什么壞事。Once we are persuaded by something, it is often difficult to change our mind. When I was a teenager, my brother and I together, eat a little bitterness to understand this truth. One night, the two of us and our friends were driving a car on a very dark road. A police car pulled us down. There was a robbery nearby, and the police were following the suspect. The police went to the side of the car, the driver shook the flashlight, and illuminate my brother sitting in the copilot, and then according to me. He said, with his eyes wide open, "where have I seen you?" (laughter) I said, "the vice driver's seat." (laughter) but for him, my answer is somehow. So he thought I took drugs. (laughter) so he pulled me out of the car, he found me, he put me in charge to the police there, until he proved to me and no criminal record, I have the opportunity to explain my and the passenger seat is twins. But as we drove off, you could still see his face, and he decided that I must have done something wrong.一旦我們認(rèn)定了的事情, 我們很難改變看法。 所以當(dāng)你失敗了, 感覺(jué)士氣低落是很自然的。 但是你不能允許自己 相信你不可能成功。 你要和那種無(wú)助的感覺(jué)斗爭(zhēng)。 你要重新控制局面。 而且你必須在 這種負(fù)能量循環(huán)開始前打破它。 我們的想法和感覺(jué), 它們不是像我們想象的 那么忠誠(chéng)的朋友。 它們更像是一個(gè)非常情緒化的朋友, 有時(shí)非常支持你, 而有時(shí)令人不愉快。 我以前的一個(gè)女同事 她結(jié)婚20年之后離婚了, 婚離的很慘烈, 然后她終于準(zhǔn)備好 開始新的約會(huì)了。 她在網(wǎng)上認(rèn)識(shí)了這個(gè)男的。 他看上去人很好,也很成功, 最重要的是, 他似乎對(duì)她非常感興趣。 她非常興奮, 還為約會(huì)買了新裙子, 然后他們約在紐約的 一個(gè)高級(jí)酒吧里喝一杯。 約會(huì)才進(jìn)行了10分鐘, 那位男士站起來(lái)說(shuō), “我沒(méi)興趣了,” 然后就走了。 被拒絕是極其痛苦的。 這位女士非常受傷,以致于都動(dòng)不了了。 于是她給一個(gè)朋友打電話。 她朋友是這樣說(shuō)的: “那你還想怎樣? 你又胖又沒(méi)有什么好聊的, 為什么任何一個(gè)英俊的成功男士 會(huì)和你這樣的失敗者約會(huì)呢?“ 太不像話了,是不是, 朋友怎么可以這樣冷酷無(wú)情? 這或許聽上去不太過(guò)分, 要是我告訴你 這話不是朋友說(shuō)的。 這其實(shí)是那位女士 對(duì)她自己說(shuō)的。 我們都干過(guò)這事兒, 尤其是被拒絕之后。 我們開始去想 我們犯的錯(cuò),我們的缺點(diǎn), 我們要是這樣就好了, 我們要是不那樣就好了, 我們給自己起外號(hào)。 也許程度不同, 但我們都干過(guò)這事。 我們?yōu)槭裁磿?huì)這樣做。 我們的自尊已經(jīng)被傷害了。 為什么我們要進(jìn)一步傷害它呢? 要是身體受傷了, 我們不會(huì)故意去把它弄的更糟。 你要是胳膊上有個(gè)傷口, 你不會(huì)說(shuō),“啊,我知道! 我要拿刀看我到底能捅多深。

Once we are persuaded by something, it is often difficult to change our mind. When I was a teenager, my brother and I together, eat a little bitterness to understand this truth. One night, the two of us and our friends were driving a car on a very dark road. A police car pulled us down. There was a robbery nearby, and the police were following the suspect. The police went to the side of the car, the driver shook the flashlight, and illuminate my brother sitting in the copilot, and then according to me. He said, with his eyes wide open, "where have I seen you?" (laughter) I said, "the vice driver's seat." (laughter) but for him, my answer is somehow. So he thought I took drugs. (laughter) so he pulled me out of the car, he found me, he put me in charge to the police there, until he proved to me and no criminal record, I have the opportunity to explain my and the passenger seat is twins. But as we drove off, you could still see his face, and he decided that I must have done something wrong.

但是我們經(jīng)常如此對(duì)待心理傷害。 為什么?由于糟糕的心理保健意識(shí)。 因?yàn)槲覀儾恢匾曅睦斫】怠?很多研究表明, 如果你的自尊心低落, 你就更容易感到壓力和焦慮, 失敗和拒絕會(huì)傷害你更深, 你也需要更多的時(shí)間復(fù)原。 所以如果你被拒絕了, 首要的事情是應(yīng)該 重新激活你的自尊心,而不是 去拳擊俱樂(lè)部打拳來(lái)發(fā)泄。 當(dāng)你在經(jīng)歷感情上痛苦, 像一個(gè)真正的好朋友那樣同情你自己。 我們需要改變 不健康的心理習(xí)慣。 最常見又最不健康的習(xí)慣之一 就是窮思竭慮。 就是事后反復(fù)咀嚼回味一件事。 比如你的老板沖你發(fā)脾氣了, 或是教授在課上讓你感到愚蠢, 或是你和好朋友吵架了, 然后你不斷的在腦海里 回放當(dāng)時(shí)的情況,好幾天, 甚至好幾個(gè)禮拜都不停。 反復(fù)回味不愉快的事 很容易變成習(xí)慣, 而這個(gè)習(xí)慣代價(jià)很大。 因?yàn)楫?dāng)你在不愉快和 負(fù)面的事情上花這么多時(shí)間, 你把自己放在一個(gè)非常危險(xiǎn)的境地, 可能誘發(fā)抑郁癥,酗酒,飲食失調(diào), 甚至心血管疾病。

But we are often treated with psychological damage. Why? Due to poor mental health awareness. Because we do not pay attention to mental health. Many studies have indicated that if your self-esteem is low, you are more likely to feel stress and anxiety, failure and rejection will hurt you deeper, and you need more time to recover. So if you are rejected, the first thing is to re activate your self-esteem should, instead of going to a boxing club to vent. When you're experiencing emotional pain, like a real good friend, you have compassion for yourself. We need to change our mental habits. One of the most common and unhealthy habits is the idea of being poor. Is to chew the aftertaste of one thing after another. For example, your boss at your temper, or is a professor in class make you feel stupid, or you argue with your friend, then you keep in mind the playback of the situation at that time, several days or even several weeks without stop. It is easy to become a habit to repeat the unpleasant things over and over again, and the cost of this habit is very large. Because when you spend so much time on unpleasant and negative things, you put yourself in a very.問(wèn)題在于那種反復(fù)回味的需要 會(huì)變得非常強(qiáng)烈,非常緊迫, 所以這種習(xí)慣會(huì)很難打破。 我知道事實(shí)如此, 因?yàn)榫驮谝荒甓嘁郧埃?我自己就經(jīng)歷了這個(gè)習(xí)慣。 我的雙胞胎哥哥 被確診為三期非霍奇金淋巴瘤。 他的癌癥來(lái)勢(shì)洶洶。 全身都有看得到的腫瘤。 他要做一輪大劑量的化療。 我情不自禁去想 他所經(jīng)歷的這一切。 情不自禁去想 他受的這些罪, 盡管他從沒(méi)抱怨過(guò), 一次都沒(méi)有。 他有著這種不可思議的積極態(tài)度。 他的心理健康程度太了不起了。 我身體上很健康, 但心理上我那時(shí)是一團(tuán)糟。 但我知道該怎樣做。 研究表明, 哪怕只是分心短短兩分鐘 都足以打破那一刻 你窮思竭慮的需求。 所以每次當(dāng)我擔(dān)心, 煩惱,或帶有負(fù)面情緒時(shí), 我就強(qiáng)迫自己專注于其他的事情, 直到那種感覺(jué)過(guò)去。 僅僅一周時(shí)間, 我的視角就全變了 變得更積極,更充滿希望。 做了化療九周之后, 我哥哥做了電腦斷層掃描, 出結(jié)果的時(shí)候, 我就在他身邊。 所有的腫瘤都消失了。 他還得再做三輪化療, 但是我們知道他能恢復(fù)。 這張照片是兩周前照的。he problem is that the need to repeat the aftertaste will become very strong, very urgent, so this habit will be difficult to break. I know the truth, because in a year and more, I have experienced this habit. My twin brother was diagnosed with stage three non Hodgkin's lymphoma. His menacing cancer. The tumor was seen all over the body. He's going to have a big dose of chemotherapy. I can't help but think of all the things he's going through. He could not help but think of his sin, even though he never complained, not once. He has such an incredible positive attitude. His mental health is too great. I was physically fit, but mentally I was a mess. But I know what to do. Research shows that even if it's just a distraction, just two minutes is enough to break the moment you're thinking about the needs of the poor. So every time when I'm worried, upset, or a negative emotion, I force myself to focus on other things, until the feeling of the past is over. Just a week, my perspective has become more positive and more hopeful. After nine weeks of chemotherapy, my brother did a computerized tomography scan, and I was on his side. All the tumors were gone. He has to do another round of chemotherapy, but we know he can recover. This photo was taken two weeks ago.當(dāng)你在孤獨(dú)的時(shí)候采取行動(dòng), 當(dāng)你改變對(duì)待失敗的反應(yīng), 當(dāng)你保護(hù)自己的自尊心, 當(dāng)你與負(fù)面的想法做斗爭(zhēng), 你不僅可以治愈心理上的創(chuàng)傷, 你會(huì)建立起情緒恢復(fù)能力, 你會(huì)變得更強(qiáng)。 一百年以前, 人們開始注重個(gè)人衛(wèi)生, 人的壽命延長(zhǎng)了50%還多 這僅用了十年就實(shí)現(xiàn)了。 我相信,我們的生活質(zhì)量 也會(huì)有同樣程度的提高 如果我們開始 關(guān)注情緒上的保健。能想象一下么, 這個(gè)世界會(huì)是什么樣子 如果每個(gè)人都在心理上更健康 如果世上少一些孤獨(dú)和抑郁 如果人們了解 如何走出失敗的陰影 如果人們更自信,充滿力量。 如果人們更幸福,更滿足。 我能,因?yàn)槟鞘且粋(gè) 我想置身其中的世界, 也是我哥哥想置身其中的世界。 只要你了解這些知識(shí), 并改變一些簡(jiǎn)單的習(xí)慣, 那將是一個(gè) 我們都能置身其中的世界。When you take action when you are alone, when you change your reaction to failure, when you protect your self-esteem, when you struggle with negative thoughts, you can not only heal the psychological trauma, you will build emotional recovery ability, you will become stronger. One hundred years ago, people began to pay attention to personal hygiene, the life expectancy of the people has been extended by more than 50% this is only used for ten years to achieve the. I believe that the quality of our life can be improved to the same degree if we start to focus on the emotional health.You can imagine what the world would be like this, if everyone is more psychologically healthy if there were less loneliness and depression if people know how to get out of the shadow of failure if people are confident, full of strength. If people are happier, more satisfied. I can, because it is a world that I want to be in, and my brother wants to be in the world. As long as you get to know the knowledge, and change some simple habits, it will be a world where we all can be.

「標(biāo)簽: ted演講稿」
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-09 作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)來(lái)源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽:
  • 小學(xué)生競(jìng)選紀(jì)律委員發(fā)言稿
  • 小學(xué)生競(jìng)選紀(jì)律委員發(fā)言稿
  • 在學(xué)習(xí)、工作生活中,發(fā)言稿的使用頻率越來(lái)越高,發(fā)言稿在寫作上具有一定的格式要求。怎樣寫發(fā)言稿才能更好地發(fā)揮其做用呢?
  • 05-20 關(guān)注:21
  • 慶“六一”班會(huì)發(fā)言稿
  • 在快速變化和不斷變革的新時(shí)代,我們可以使用發(fā)言稿的機(jī)會(huì)越來(lái)越多,發(fā)言稿可以起到整理演講者的思路、提示演講的內(nèi)容、限定演講的速度
  • 05-20 關(guān)注:11
  • 新學(xué)期德育主任發(fā)言稿
  • 新學(xué)期德育主任發(fā)言稿
  • 在我們平凡的日常里,發(fā)言稿在我們的視野里出現(xiàn)的頻率越來(lái)越高,發(fā)言稿是在一定的場(chǎng)合,面對(duì)一定的聽眾,發(fā)言人圍繞著主題講話的文稿。
  • 05-20 關(guān)注:14
  • 小學(xué)四年級(jí)家長(zhǎng)會(huì)班主任發(fā)言稿
  • 百日宴發(fā)言稿
  • 在不斷進(jìn)步的社會(huì)中,我們總不得不需要用到發(fā)言稿,發(fā)言稿要求內(nèi)容充實(shí),條理清楚,重點(diǎn)突出。
  • 05-20 關(guān)注:16
  • 高一新生代表發(fā)言稿
  • 高一新生代表發(fā)言稿
  • 大家好,我是學(xué)生代表XX。今天是新學(xué)年的第一天,也是我們師生的第一次聚會(huì),對(duì)于同學(xué)們來(lái)說(shuō),這里的一切都是新的——新的學(xué)校
  • 04-29 關(guān)注:19
  • 競(jìng)選體育委員發(fā)言稿
  • 競(jìng)選體育委員發(fā)言稿
  • 我信心十足的站在這里,是因?yàn),我要?jìng)選體育——體育委員。我為什么想要競(jìng)選體育委員呢?是因?yàn),我相信,我能行?/li>
  • 04-29 關(guān)注:20
  • 一分鐘員工年會(huì)發(fā)言稿
  • 一分鐘員工年會(huì)發(fā)言稿
  • 開心伴著汗水,成功伴著艱辛,惋惜鼓勵(lì)搏斗,我們不知不覺(jué)地走進(jìn)了20xxx年。今晚我們歡聚正在x公司建立后的第x個(gè)年頭里,我和大眾的心
  • 04-29 關(guān)注:13