


   [Abstract] for English teaching now, there is still a lot of defects in the design of homework, homework in classroom is the natural continuation and complement is also an important means to consolidate and deepen the knowledge and indispensable, is an important way to improve teaching quality. But in the current teaching environment on students English homework though to a certain extent consolidate language, but seriously neglected the comprehensive use of English language. A lot of English homework is very simple in structure, and more are copy and recitation of mechanical homework, the content of the work is very boring. With the development of the new curriculum reform, a variety of advanced teaching strategies are also emerging, and the advanced strategies are also moving forward. English homework is an effective extension of English learning.

Key words: primary school English; homework; effective design

   Through homework, teachers can acquire effective information in the process of correcting the students and make students work through timely feedback learning in a variety of reasons, at the same time, the teachers can understand timely to their class weakness and omissions in the operation, in order to strengthen the importance and take measures to make up in the future for in the teaching of. If according to the new curriculum standards for design and evaluation of English homework innovation, can let students can be very effective for learning English is still in class, and can improve their interest in learning English, so how to effectively design of primary school English homework teacher? The measures are as follows:

First, avoid homework, "one size fits all", teach students in accordance with their aptitude

   Every school has the difference of individual survival, but the traditional English homework assignments mostly take a broad brush approach, is no matter which one level students are doing the same job, this will make many students have no space to play, poor students can not perform well homework, and students can not meet the learning needs of the most effective. Therefore, the teacher in the homework, we must consider the students' learning ability difference, should work arrangement according to outstanding students, middle students and poor students, slightly more than one level, which can not only ensure students can play a little to ensure the achievement of students can be more efficient to finish the homework carefully. For good students, work should be focused on the use of the comprehensive ability, students will focus on for the consolidation and accumulation of basic knowledge, such as objective, assignment level can meet the needs of students of different levels, which can not only make students feel a sense of achievement in learning English. Can make them feel the joy of learning in the process of English learning, enhance the learning interest in english.

Two, the number of assignments should be "little and refine

   The purpose of the job does not occupy students all the time, but it can let the students make progress at work, too much homework and can not ensure that students improve students' learning quality, but also reduce the quality, too much homework makes students cope with the job, it will seriously dampen the enthusiasm of learning students, resulting in they are motivated to learn English, even the students themselves are full of fun in English, but in the huge work pressure of teachers will be to the interest in learning English, they will feel that English is a burden, and will feel more and more boring, the quality of work and can not get a good guarantee. Therefore, the teacher in the homework must pay attention to the amount of homework, to ensure that students work to consolidate at the same time also allows them to pursue the pleasure of doing homework, which can not only enhance the students interest in learning English, improve their English level, but also let them feel the work fun and interest in learning.

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發布時間:2018-08-23 作者:大學生新聞網來源:大學生新聞網 瀏覽:
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