

Gender: Male

Nationality: Han nationality age: 31

Marital status: married professional name: mechanical and electrical integration

Major: technicians, political faces: the masses

Graduate School: Shanghang Donghua vocational and technical school graduation time: July 2004

Highest educational background: secondary school computer level: Master

Work experience: more than ten years height: 160 cm weight: 64 kg

Current location: Xinluo District, household register: 1008-1479

Job intention

Expected Occupation: Machining expected salary: around 1000

Expected work area: Shanghang, Fujian, Xiamen, Xinluo District, expect to work in nature: full time

Fastest arrival time: interviews need to provide housing: need

Education / training

Educational background:

School Name: Donghua vocational and technical school in Shanghang (September 2003 - July 2004)

Major: mechanical and electrical integration in China

Location: Shanghang City: five certificate certificate of graduation certificate latheman

Training experience:

Hands-on background

Company name: Xiamen Hua Fengkun (August 2004 - September 2005) mechanical pressure

Industry: mechanical manufacturing; electromechanical heavy industry company; nature; private; private enterprises

Company size: 50~200 people working place: Huli District, Xiamen

Job title: general lathe

Job description: during the factory, mainly engaged in rolling machinery parts processing, during the factory, grinding tools and welding their own

Company name: Xiamen Cheng Xin Machinery Co., Ltd. (September 2005 - October 2007)

Industry: mechanical manufacturing; electromechanical heavy industry company; nature; private; private enterprises

Company size: 50 ~ 200 location: Xinglin District of Xiamen City

Job name: programming and operation of milling machine in machining center

Job description: during the factory, mainly engaged in FANUC machining centers, milling machine programming and operation, the main processing of knitting machines, a full set of accessories

「標簽: 」
發布時間:2018-08-21 作者:大學生新聞網來源:大學生新聞網 瀏覽:
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