

  Every holiday, parents as long as there is a time to take us to the cinema, or sitting in the living room in front of the TV, eating snacks, drinking coffee, family viewing wonderful movies; romance action, let people xuemaibizhang a hair raising thriller, the ghost and all touch one deeply in the heart to let the audience laugh the comedy is utterly routed we may choose. I love the most is the movie - a famous inspirational film "Agam Gump" in inspiring flashbacks to tell the story of Agam, the physically and mentally disabled... Leading their own destiny and struggle.

  Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get." This is what Agam told Agam when he was young to encourage him. Young Agam because his legs inconvenient, often bullied, but by her mother constantly encouraged as well as their own "fool" spirit of courage to struggle desperately, grow up and even participated in the Vietnam War; there once with the western music classic characters Elvis Presley; bought the Apple Corp's stock and get rich quick because it can; awarded the medal and the United States President Kennedy met his childhood sweetheart Jeanne, shake hands... Is support, motivate Agam along the way! Many years later, Jeanne told Agam that they actually have a child, but fortunately this little Agam no physical and mental barriers, which makes Agam deeply gratified. But it seems to be coming into the happy future, Jeanne was sick at this time, but the condition worsened, and finally Agam tianrenyongge. At the end of the film, the last act was Agam watched after his son got on the school bus. A feather floated from his book and flew into the wide sky. It gave a beautiful annotation to Agam's wonderful life!

  Agam's legs are naturally handicapped, so he is often teased and bullied by his classmates. One day, another classmate wanted to bully him, but the strong will power made Agam unwilling to give in. Jeanne also encouraged Agam and shouted, "run, Agam, run!"!". Since then he kept running forward, more and more quickly, get rid of Walker's leg, the farther behind the villain in the journey of life in Not the least trace was found.; ran into the university football field; grew up and even traveled all over the United States, and he attracted many like-minded people jog together... Agam broke. A lot of obstacles in life, his spirit into my heart, deeply touched me. Agam seems to be not his disability in the eyes with a foolishness to do what you want to go, although I don't know whether the final success. Later, Agam voluntarily enlisted, involved in a stalemate battle - vietnam. In that dangerous jungle, even if you are always careful, you may not be able to escape all attacks.  Or someone by the sudden bursts a hail of bullets was seriously injured, miraculously by fortune favors Agam unharmed, was rushed back to the forest to fling caution to the winds, carry out bleeding comrades. One shirt and Agam deep feelings of friends because of his injuries, so in his arms last breath, sashourenhuan. This scene so I can not help but tears trickling down cheeks. Maybe Agam is not smart, he only knew their colleagues who have dangerous life, it should be bound to return to the jungle, as their greatest strength, death from the hands of snatch life partner. Compared to many of the chaebol egoistic society, ignoring social public interests, life safety, the selfless sacrifice sentiment is now inferior oil crisis related enterprises incomparable.

  In the movie another impressed me is Agam Jeanne of love will never change until death. From the precious friendship Liangxiaowucai, to the development of teenagers, Agam and Jeanne's budding romance, on the fate of God that they missed each other. Many years later, Jeanne wrote to Agam, they meet again, due to the audience that "happily ever after" as the end, Jeanne's condition deteriorated rapidly left the world, turn moment feeling distraught. I think it echoes mother Agam's saying, "life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get."." I believe that we should face life with an optimistic attitude at any time!

  Agam encountered many turbulent waves on the voyage of life, and when he was pushed back to shore by those evil waves, he tried again and again to defy the unknown and long journey ahead. In the face of difficulties, the action is always better than sitting still dream real, we must strive to meet future unremitting courage and optimism in the face. Like Agam, hard to pay, no return, with the will to the things he wants to do, to stir up the beautiful waves of life.



  阿甘的雙腿天生殘疾,因此經(jīng)常被同學(xué)取笑和欺凌。一天又有同學(xué)要霸凌他了,但堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的意志力使阿甘不愿屈服,珍妮也在一旁鼓勵(lì)阿甘,大喊:“快跑阿甘快跑!”。自此之后他不停的向前跑,越來越快,掙脫了腿上的助行器,將身后的惡棍甩得無影無蹤;在人生的路程中跑進(jìn)了大學(xué)的橄欖球場;長大后甚至還跑遍全美國,吸引許多和他興趣相投的民眾一起慢跑....阿甘沖破了許多人生障礙,他的精神更跑進(jìn)了我的心坎里,深深感動(dòng)了我。阿甘似乎不把他的殘疾放在眼中,憑著一股傻勁想做什么就勇往直前,盡管不知道最后是否能成功。后來,阿甘自愿入伍,參與了一場戰(zhàn)況膠著的戰(zhàn)役-越戰(zhàn)。在那危險(xiǎn)的叢林中,即使時(shí)時(shí)戒慎小心 也不一定能躲過所有的攻擊。生死與共的同袍被突如其來的槍林彈雨掃射而受了重傷,奇跡似的受命運(yùn)之神眷顧的阿甘毫發(fā)未傷,竟然不顧一切沖回森林,一一背出淌著鮮血的戰(zhàn)友。其中一名戰(zhàn)袍和阿甘感情深厚的朋友因?yàn)閭麆葸^重,就這樣在他的懷中咽下最后一口氣,撒手人寰。這一幕讓我不禁潸然淚下。阿甘也許不聰明,他只知道同袍們有生命危險(xiǎn),就應(yīng)該義無反顧的返回叢林,盡自己最大的力量,從死神手中搶回伙伴的性命。相較于社會(huì)上許多自私自利的財(cái)閥,罔顧社會(huì)大眾的權(quán)益、生命安全,這種無私舍己救人的情操是現(xiàn)今劣油風(fēng)暴相關(guān)企業(yè)所無法比擬的。



發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-23 作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽:
  • 讀《無味》有感
  • 其實(shí)不知道為什么作者為什么要把這本書叫做無味,不過回過頭來想想也是這樣的,如果是我的話我會(huì)起一個(gè)非常悲傷得讓人心疼的名字,讓那
  • 09-12 關(guān)注:44
  • 讀《超酷天使大肚子爸》有感600字
  • 在我們的印象中,爸爸是忙碌的,是高大的,是偉大的,是嚴(yán)肅的?稍谶@本書里,卻有著一個(gè)不同尋常的父親。

  • 10-20 關(guān)注:89
  • 《題西林壁》讀后感400字
  • 讀過蘇軾寫的《題西林壁》之后,再經(jīng)過鄭老師的認(rèn)真講解后,我終于體會(huì)到了詩中的道理。

  • 10-20 關(guān)注:75
  • 讀《戴銀鈴的長臂猿》有感600字
  • 云南省馬戲團(tuán)的訓(xùn)練師們來到了曼蚌寨,當(dāng)他們看到了可口誘人的椰汁時(shí),就讓長臂猿南尼去摘,結(jié)果讓南尼逃掉了。曼蚌寨是南尼的家鄉(xiāng),它
  • 10-20 關(guān)注:79
  • 讀《神龜俠貓》有感400字
  • 說起這本書的名字,大家一定都會(huì)好奇地問道:“有這本書嗎,我怎么沒聽過?”是的,這本書并不出名,但是如果你讀一讀它的類
  • 10-20 關(guān)注:73
  • 讀《蟋蟀的住宅》有感400字
  • 今天我讀了《蟋蟀的住宅》這篇課文,文章讓我懂得了不要隨遇而安和不辭辛苦的精神。

  • 10-20 關(guān)注:83
  • 《精衛(wèi)填!纷x后感300字
  • 這一個(gè)故事講的是有一個(gè)叫女娃的神仙,也是太陽神炎帝的女兒。有一次她坐著小船在海上游玩,在海上遇到了風(fēng)浪,海浪把小船打翻了,女娃
  • 10-20 關(guān)注:77